Ruins of the Church dedicated to Santa Maria of the Holy Family

Church (ruins)


The sacred building, simple and harmonious in the lines and colors, lights and shadows, is of very remote epoch. Already in the XV century was opened for worship and called Ecclesia et hospitale S. Marie Announciata (Porta Suctana). Topographically it is placed on the South-East of the town, at an altitude of 550 meters s. l. m.

Located along the ancient walls of the town, near the entrance of door called Suctana, hence its old name. The Church, of modest dimensions, is rectangular, with a nave and apse opposite the front door, a small window toward the sea. The structure is Romanesque. The old entrance doorway, plastered masonry, is not particular. The remains of a fresco monocromatico with the shades poor, depicts Christ the Redeemer, located in the semicircular apse, the simplicity of the structure and the environment, not contains an element of artistic and architectural importance, confirm the Basilian origin of the temple. The indication of XIV century “Ecclesia et hospitale” allow to believe that there was a small shelter for the elderly and infirm in the current church.


Marker (lat: 40.1423009, lng: 15.608518)


XV Century


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